EcoCiv Podcast: Episode 12 – The Sunrise Movement (with Sofie Karasek)
EcoCiv’s communications manager, Megan Anderson talks with Sofie Karasek, who is the deputy communications director for the Sunrise Movement. If you haven’t already heard of Sunrise, you will learn all…
Read MoreEcoCiv Podcast: Episode 11 – S. Yael Dennis
Jeremy Fackenthal talks with Dr. Shelley Yael Dennis about her important new book, Edible Entanglements: A Political Theology of Food. Anyone concerned about food justice and global environmental politics should read…
Read MoreEcoCiv Podcast: Episode 10 – David Korten: “Change the Story, Change the Future”
Andrew Schwartz talks with author and activist, David Korten. A former professor of the Harvard Business School, David later became a prominent critic of the globalized economy and the expanding…
Read MoreEcoCiv Podcast: Episode 9 – Karyn Bigelow
Jeremy Fackenthal talks with Karyn Bigelow, who is a research analyst at the non-profit organization, Bread for the World. As you will hear in their conversation, Karyn is passionate about…
Read MoreEcoCiv Podcast: Episode 8 – Brian McLaren
Andrew Schwartz talks with Brian McLaren, who is a well-known author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. As a former college English teacher and pastor, Brian is now a passionate advocate…
Read MoreEcoCiv Podcast: Episode 7 – Ven. Pomnyun Sunim
Andrew Schwartz talks with Venerable Pomnyun Sunim – a Korean Buddhist monk and activist. Venerable Pomnyun is the founder of a number of organizations, including the Jungto Society, a volunteer Buddhist…
Read MoreEcoCiv Podcast: Episode 6 – James Thornton: Client Earth
EcoCiv’s president, Philip Clayton talks with James Thornton, who is an environmental lawyer and founding CEO of ClientEarth – Europe’s first public interest environmental law organization. A member of the…
Read MoreEcoCiv Podcast: Episode 5 – Mary Evelyn Tucker
EcoCiv’s president, Philip Clayton talks with Mary Evelyn Tucker—one of the world’s leading scholars in the field of religion and ecology. She has published hundreds of articles and many books,…
Read MoreEcoCiv Podcast: Episode 4 – Karenna Gore: Earth Ethics
Karenna Gore, director of the Center for Earth Ethics, talks about the moral dimensions of the ecological crisis, her interest in American indigenous traditions, studying liberation theology with James Cone, challenging GDP as a measure of social well-being, connections between women’s rights and environmental issues, and what gives her hope.
Read MoreEcoCiv Podcast: Episode 3 – Isabella Alexander
Anthropologist, writer, and filmaker Isabella Alexander discusses her work relating to transnational migration, how migration issues intersect with global climate disruption, and how she finds hope while raising awareness about complex systemic injustices.
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