EcoCiv Podcast: Episode 12 – The Sunrise Movement (with Sofie Karasek)

EcoCiv’s communications manager, Megan Anderson talks with Sofie Karasek, who is the deputy communications director for the Sunrise Movement. If you haven’t already heard of Sunrise, you will learn all about the important work that they are doing in this episode. But in short, Sunrise is an American youth-led activist movement that advocates for political action to address climate change. Currently, they are especially focused on moving the Green New Deal forward in the United States. Sofie talks about the movement’s mission to tackle both climate change and income inequality together, and how others can get involved and support Sunrise. Megan also asks her about the Green New Deal—what it is, how to move it forward, and why the influence of big money in politics remains a major obstacle today.
Sofie’s Book Recommendations:
- Don’t Think of an Elephant, by George Lakoff
- This is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the 21st Century, by Mark Engler and Paul Engler
- Hegemony How-To: A Roadmap for Radicals, by Jonathan Smucker
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Music Credit: “lax” by Fascinating Earthbound Objects
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