EcoCiv Dialogues on Global Systems Change
Leading Dialogues for Global Systems Change
“EcoCiv Dialogues on Global Systems Change” is an interactive webinar series that convenes leaders and experts from around the world to discuss systems solutions for addressing the root causes of our complex social-environmental challenges. International dialogue and collaboration is key to living into a new paradigm for the wellbeing of people and the planet–an ecological civilization. This dialogue series is part of our efforts to build global networks of change agents, facilitate partnerships across different sectors, and bring these conversations to the public. Please continue to follow our efforts in building international networks and sparking dialogue on systemic change and ecological civilization.
Community and the Common Good: Structuring Human Life for an Ecological Civilization
Thurs, December 16, 2021
Few things are more descriptive of a civilization than the way human communities are organized. It reveals our values, priorities, and assumptions about what it means to be human. How should human communities be organized to promote the long-term wellbeing of people and the planet? How will cities be designed? How are resources shared? What are the power dynamics? Who determines policy? How are local communities related to a global community of communities? Exploring a range of interconnected issues from localism, urban planning, sustainable development, and more, our panel of experts will discuss the need for transforming communities for an ecological civilization.
Helena Norberg-Hodge – Founder & Director, Local Futures and the International Alliance for Localization
Youngsoo Kim – Landscape and Urban Designer, James Corner Field Operations
Alexandra Mitsotaki – Co-Founder & President, World Human Forum

The Future of Work: Rethinking Labor Toward an Ecological Civilization
Thursday, November 18, 2021
EcoCiv is partnering with One Project to elevate themes of The New Possible through a series of dialogues on global systems change. Our November topic is “The Future of Work: Rethinking Labor Toward an Ecological Civilization.”
Why do we work? Is it simply to earn a wage so we can purchase staples needed for survival? What if our basic needs were automatically met? Would we still have a reason to work? The modern paradigm has framed the purpose of human labor as serving the economy. But what would labor look like if the economy served the long-term wellbeing of people and the planet? Exploring a range of interconnected issues from technological unemployment, postcapitalism, human dignity, and more, our panel of experts will discuss the future of work and the need for shifting labor paradigms for an ecological civilization.
Autumn McDonald – Senior Fellow & Head of New America CA, New America
Sarah McKinley – Director for European Programs, The Democracy Collaborative; European Representative, Next System Project
John Restakis – Author, Civilizing the State; Co-founder Synergia Institute

Feeding the Future: New Possibilites Toward an Ecological Civilization
Thurs, October 28, 2021
There are a few fundamentals that everyone needs to live. One of those is food. Yet the number of undernourished people globally continues to grow. Between 720-811 million people were undernourished in 2020–a number was exacerbated by the Covid pandemic. Meanwhile, nearly 35 million children under the age of 5 are overweight. Our modern narrative says we’re producing more food than ever thanks to scientific advancements in farming. So why are so many people still hungry?
Mike Joy – Senior Researcher, Institute for Governance and Policy Studies, Victoria University
Toni Stanger-McLaughlin – CEO, The Native American Agriculture Fund
Anupama Joshi – Executive Director, Blue Sky Funders Forum

Conservation Economies: Reframing the Conservation Conversation
Tues, August 31, 2021
In Western environmentalism throughout the 21st century, rural and Indigenous communities have been excluded from conversations around conservation. The prevailing conservation model, called fortress conservation, has led to decisions to protect land through the exclusion of people, particularly local and Indigenous peoples. Fortress conservation has failed to involve local and indigenous people that are key to any conservation effort’s success. This Dialogue touches on key principles for a conservation economy, lessons learned from case studies and provides visions for the future.
James Arnott – Project Director, CWC Africa Projects
Sheherazade – Co-Executive Director, PROGRES
Jessie Green – Strategic Projects Development Coordinator, EcoCiv

Public Banks: A Path to Economic Transformation in California
Wed, July 28, 2021
There is a growing movement in the United States to make banking a public utility. In 2019, the State of California passed the first state law in 100 years to allow for the chartering of public banks, and now the State Assembly is considering legislation to create a state-level public bank. With a focus on developments in California, this interactive dialogue will explore the benefits and challenges of public banking and the role of the banking sector in a wellbeing economy. EcoCiv has partnered with the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) to bring you this “Dialogue for Global Systems Change” on the topic of public banking.
Naveen Agrawal – Organizer, Public Bank Los Angeles and the California Public Bank Alliance

The Rights of Nature in a Wellbeing Society
Wed, April 28, 2021 | 9 AM Pacific Time
When we think about what is necessary to create and sustain societies grounded in wellbeing, respect for the rights of everything in our natural world is crucial. But how do we define the “rights” of nature? And what does it look like to uphold these rights in practice, especially in a world that has placed capitalistic values largely at the center of its decision-making and law-making processes? Join the Institute for Ecological Civilization and YES! Magazine for a discussion with leaders who have been redefining what it means to establish and protect the rights of nature for the sake of all living things on our planet.
Panelists: Melissa Troutman, Mona Polacca, Hermann E. Ott, Joe Bowersox III

An Ecological Civilization: The Path We’re On
Thursday, February 25, 2021 | 1 PM Pacific Time
The Institute for Ecological Civilization and YES! Magazine host a discussion with leaders who have been redefining what it means to establish and protect the rights of nature for the sake of all living things on our planet. The path toward an ecological civilization moves us from an uncivilized society based on selfish wealth accumulation to one that is community-oriented and life-affirming. In this virtual conversation we explore the ways communities are already working toward that goal—and how you can be a part of it. This event features contributors to our the special issue of YES! Magazine, “An Ecological Civilization”— Leah Penniman, Winona LaDuke, and Jeremy Lent—and was be facilitated by YES! executive editor Zenobia Jeffries Warfield and Andrew Schwartz, co-founder and vice president of the Institute for Ecological Civilization.
Panelists: Leah Penniman, Winona LaDuke, and Jeremy Lent

Transforming Economies for Wellbeing: Sustainable Development and Ecological Civilization
Thu, October 27, 2020 | 5 PM Pacific Time
Our economic system is broken. It’s a system designed to grow profit and power for a few, through the exploitation of other people and the planet. Under the leadership of the United Nations, governments worldwide have begun to embrace a new vision for sustainable development. But what does sustainable development entail? What are the measures of a successful economy? How does the goal of wellbeing fit into the vision for sustainable development? In this webinar we bring together experts from around the world for dialogue on transforming economies for the long-term wellbeing of people and the planet. Featured panelists include: Elliott Harris, Barbara Muraca, Yannick Beaudoin, and Kazunao Sato.
This panel is brought to you through collaboration of the Institute for Ecological Civilization, the International Council on Environmental Economics and Development, the Center for Process Studies, and the David Suzuki Foundation.
Panelists: Elliott Harris , Yannick Beaudoin, Kazunao Sato, Barbara Muraca

Education Reimagined: Toward a Sustainable and Equitable World
Thu, October 22, 2020 | 5 PM Pacific Time
Education plays a significant role in shaping how we understand the world and our relationship to it. Changing our education systems is key to addressing the complex social and environmental problems that plague our world today. What values currently dominate our education systems? How should our models of education (content, pedagogy, etc.) be transformed in order for humans to live justly and joyously within the bounds of the natural world? What are the emerging best practices in education for ecological civilization? Watch this EcoCiv Dialogues on Global Systems Change for a conversation with leaders who are reimagining education for the wellbeing of people and the planet.
Panelists: Hee-Yeon Cho , Marcus Ford, Mirian Viela

A World Without Racism? Building an Ecological Civilization
This panel was held on July 22, 2020
An ecological civilization is a sustainable and just world. At the heart of this vision are the principles of equity, diversity, and harmony. Today, all around the globe, the institutional trauma that Black and Brown communities have endured for centuries is being laid bare. Are we at a turning point? How can we transition from a modern civilization built on exploitation and oppression, toward a world that works for all? Join us as we bring together leaders from around the world.
Panelists: Mamphela Ramphele, Nafeez Ahmed, Muhammed Lamin Saidykhan, Vanessa Nakate, Richard Rose

The Next Economy: Transforming Economic Systems After COVID-19
This panel was held on April 30, 2020
As the socio-economic effects of coronavirus worsen, the deep failures of our global economic order are being revealed. Is this the end of the neoliberal era? What will the economy look like after COVID-19? Can our next economy promote the overall well-being of people and the planet? Join us as we bring together experts from around the world.
Panelists featured: Kate Raworth, Stewart Wallis, Marjorie Kelly, David Korten, Gunna Jung.

The Most Important Lessons from COVID-19: A Global Conversation on a Global Crisis
This panel was held on March 27, 2020
As world leaders struggle to address the coronavirus pandemic, one thing has become certain: this is more than a health crisis. From COVID-19’s impact on economic systems, ecological systems, systems of governance and more ― it’s clear that the global challenges we face are all interconnected. Connect with us as we bring together experts from around the world for a probing conversation on today’s global crisis and why a systems approach to civilizational change is fundamental for a healthy future.
Panelists featured: Mamphela Ramphele, Vandana Shiva, Gunna Jung, Jeremy Lent and Elliott Harris
This event was co-sponsored by EcoCiv and the International Council on Environmental Economics and Development.