EcoCiv Blog

VIDEO: Transforming from a Wealth-Based Civilization to a Life-Based One
Author Jeremy Lent gave this presentation in San Francisco on the core principals of ecological civilization. In this video, he talks about the different human transitions throughout history that have affected humanity’s relationship with nature. Then he proposes a look of what kind of transformation we need to fundamentally transform our civilization from one that
Episode #26 – Mark Anielski: Toward An Economy of Well-Being
Philip Clayton speaks with ecological economist Mark Anielski. Mark is the author of the award-winning book, The Economics of Happiness (2007), and most recently, An Economy of Well-Being (2018), which presents a new economic model for measuring progress and performance called Genuine Wealth. Philip and Mark begin their discussion by diving into the major themes
Episode #24 – Ernst Conradie: Ecotheology & the Global Water Crisis
Philip Clayton speaks with Ernst Conradie, who is senior professor of religion and theology at the University of Western Cape in South Africa. Ernst is also one of the task team conveners for the first W12 Congress: a meeting of cities from around the world to address the escalating global water crisis. This event—which EcoCiv
Episode #23 – Kelli Archie: Climate Change Adaptation
Philip Clayton speaks with Dr. Kelli Archie, who is an environmental social scientist and senior research specialist at EcoCiv. Kelli’s research interests focus mainly on climate change adaptation, specifically on reconciling the supply and demand of climate information, how attitudes and beliefs about climate change affect adaptation decisions, household-level adaptation decisions in vulnerable areas, and
EcoCiv Podcast #21 – Devon Hartman: Locally Grown Power
Philip Clayton speaks with Devon Hartman, who focuses full-time on fighting global warming in the building sector – the largest contributor to greenhouse gas proliferation. Now retired from his 35 year role as President and CEO of HartmanBaldwin Design/Build Inc., a full service Architecture and Construction company, he has created CHERP – the Community Home
EcoCiv Podcast #20 – Michael Hogue: ‘Democracy for an Uncertain World’
Jeremy Fackenthal speaks with philosopher and religious ethicist Michael Hogue about his work on political theology and the Anthropocene. Michael’s most recent book is titled American Immanence: Democracy for An Uncertain World, which was published in 2018 by Columbia University Press. Michael is a creative and rigorous scholar who has an impressive ability to work across