Episode 6: How Localization is Dignity with Kennedy Odede

Kennedy Odede is one of Africa’s best-known community organizers and social entrepreneurs.
Kennedy grew up in Kibera, Kenya, the largest slum in Africa, where he experienced the realities of extreme poverty first hand. While working at a factory, he saved 20 cents and used this to buy a soccer ball and start Shining Hope for Communities, also known as SHOFCO. SHOFCO is a grassroots movement based in Nairobi serving 2.4 million people. The organization catalyzes large-scale transformation in urban slums by providing critical services for all including water, education, health, and more
In this episode, Kennedy discusses why localization was not part of the development sector for so long, how his nonprofit SHOFCO works, and how trust is part of dignity.
Find Kennedy and SHOFCO here:
Kennedy on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kennedyodede
SHOFCO Website: https://www.shofco.org/
SHOFCO Twitter: https://twitter.com/hope2shine
SHOFCO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShiningHopeforCommunities/
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