Episode #34 – Lauren Ornelas: Food Empowerment Project

Ebony Bailey speaks with Lauren Ornelas. Lauren is the Founder and President of Food Empowerment Project (F.E.P.), a vegan food justice nonprofit that promotes veganism, fights for workers, and works on lack of access to healthy foods in Black and Brown communities and low-income areas. She has been an animal activist for three decades, during which she has launched numerous groups, investigated factory farms, run consumer campaigns, and helped stop the construction of an industrial dairy in California. Among other topics, Ebony talks with Lauren about why she says that “food is power,” whether vegan products are really “cruelty free,” how exploitative food practices disproportionately impact communities of color, F.E.P’s work with farm worker rights, and about their efforts to promote healthy food access to low income communities.
Watch lauren’s TEDx talk on The Power of Our Food Choices. Learn more about F.E.P.’s work at www.foodispower.org, www.veganmexicanfood.com, and www.veganfilipinofood.com.
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Music Credit: “lax” by Fascinating Earthbound Objects
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