EcoCiv Podcast: Episode 4 – Karenna Gore: Earth Ethics

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EcoCiv’s managing director, Jeremy Fackenthal interviews author and journalist Karenna Gore. They talk about Karenna’s work as the director for the Center for Earth Ethics in New York, the moral dimensions of the ecological crisis, her interest in American indigenous traditions, studying liberation theology with James Cone, challenging GDP as a measure of social well-being, connections between women’s rights and environmental issues, what gives her hope, and many other topics. Karenna also lists three books that have significantly impacted her work, including:
- Making A Way out of No Way: A Womanist Theology, by Monica Coleman
- Braiding Sweet Grass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teaching of Plants, by Robin Wall Kimmerer
- Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson
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Music Credit: “lax” by Fascinating Earthbound Objects
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