Systems Change vs Individual Change

It is the idea that true, definitive change can only be realized through solutions that address the root cause of an issue. Those in charge of establishing solutions must look…

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Common Good Film Festival

Four days of films and discussions that elicit common sense, common decency, and the common good, while celebrating the wisdom of Alfred North Whitehead. With ten films meant to inform,…

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참살이와 전지구적 번영을 위한 경제

클레어몬트 생태 포럼 (생태문명을 위한 국제포럼) 둘째날에 우리는 참살이와 전지구적 번영을 위한 경제 대하여 이야기 하였습니다. ( 이코시브 코리아의 디렉터인 이동우 목사가 둘째날 세션의 좌장을 맡은 정건화 교수를 소개하며 세션을 시작했습니다. 정건화…

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Food Justice Event with Chef José Andrés

EcoCiv partnered with renowned chef and activist José Andrés to bring together more than 30 non-profit leaders to discuss cross-sector collaboration at Oyamel Restaurant in Washington, DC on September 7th.…

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