Conversations for a Life Economy
We are in the midst of an emergency: the loss of connection and care between people and nature. Urgent change is necessary for the future of the Earth, for our grandchildren, and for theirs – a shift towards a system that works for the wellbeing of all life on our planet.
Conversations for a Life Economy is a programme of talks, first private and then public, aimed at closing the space between private emotion and public action. It is aimed at engaging leaders in transformational conversations to shift to a system that works towards the wellbeing of all life on our planet – a life economy.
Over the last 12 months The Institute for Ecological Civilization and our partner Reboot the Future:
- Held a series of 6 private, transformative, conversations with leaders, which builds on Reboot’s uniquely successful ‘Imaginal Conversations’ series of 2020
- Shared public conversations to inspire others to take action to shift towards a life economy
- Produced toolkits, podcast episodes, and a video series which support individuals’ continued transformation towards action and holding additional conversations themselves.
This information is publicly available and geared towards the next generation of changemakers – what we call the ‘Imaginal Cells’.
To find out more and register interest in:
- Private conversations, please contact: [email protected]
- Public conversations, please contact: [email protected]
Conversations for a Life Economy is hosted jointly in partnership with Reboot the Future and The Institute for Ecological Civilization.

“The future lies in transforming the Death Economy into a Life Economy that cleans up pollution, regenerates devastated ecosystems, recycles, and develops technologies that restore resources and that benefit, rather than ravage, the environment. Businesses that pay returns to investors who invest in an economy that is itself a renewable resource become the success stories.”… John Perkins
Download the Conversations for a Life Economy Toolkit.

Reflections on the Imaginal Conversations: Bridging Values Through Shared Experience
For many, 2020 was a moment to deeply reflect about our lives. In this momentous time of change and uncertainty Reboot the Future developed the Imaginal Conversations, a series of private conversations to hold space for discussion and reflection about our current way of life and the reimagination of more positive and mutually beneficial relationships with ourselves and the world. Heerad Sabeti, co-founder and CEO of The Fourth Sector Group (4SG), award-winning social entrepreneur, Gib Bulloch, and Co-Founder of B Lab UK, Charmian Love come together in our first panel discussion for the project Conversations for a Life Economy to share their experience of the imaginal conversations and it’s lasting impact in their lives.
Framing of Values Towards Positive Change in Business
Can “business as usual” be good for people and the planet? Award-winning social entrepreneur and founder of the Craigberoch Business Decelerator, Gib Bulloch and Co-Founder and Activist in Residence at B Lab UK, Charmian Love reflect on this crucial question through a discussion of values that drive their work. Listen, as they share specific ideas that have deepened their understanding of how business holds the potential to benefit the greater good.
Identifying the Use of Activism in Business
What is the relationship between business and activism and can business be used as a vessel for activist movements? Listen to Award-winning social entrepreneur and founder of the Craigberoch Business Decelerator, Gib Bulloch and Co-Founder and Activist in Residence at B Lab UK, Charmian Love discuss the role activism plays towards multi-level systems change in business.
What Does It Take for Climate Goals to Become a Reality?
“Coming back to the concept of ‘Reboot the Future,’ I think we need to put social and ecological well-being at the center of our economy, make our mind up about what metrics to use, and get over the fact that they are not going to be perfect but they are going to be better over what we currently have.”
What are the actions required to address real climate solutions moving forward and how do we achieve them? Join Fergus Bruce (Co-Founder of the After the Pandemic initiative), Anna Murphy (impact consultant and activist), and Denisha Killoh (National Childhood Bereavement Project lead and trustee at the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) Scotland) as they discuss the current pitfalls of the environmental movement and how activists and governing bodies can work together towards collaborative climate solutions by redefining systems.
How Can Communities and Decision Makers Find Common Ground
What considerations do decision makers need to think about before implementing climate based interventions? Join Fergus Bruce (Co-Founder of the After the Pandemic initiative), Anna Murphy (impact consultant and activist), and Denisha Killoh (National Childhood Bereavement Project lead and trustee at the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) Scotland) as they discuss the importance of centering communities within the decision making process on climate solutions. Listen as they explore what tools and pathways are necessary to collaborate with local communities in affecting macro level change.
What Role Do Values Play in Encouraging Corporate Spaces Into Action?
How can individuals in positions of power work collaboratively with individuals on different levels of change to work towards a corporate culture shift that realizes solutions to collective problems? Stephen Vasconcellos, regenerative changemaker at Positive and co-founder of Reboot the future, Dr. Thomas Bruhn, lead for A Mindset for the Anthropocene research group at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, and Katie Rowberry, Head of Strategic Partnerships at WRAP, discuss during a panel from COP2.
Creating a Shared Vision Towards a Sustainable Future
What actions are necessary to reshape society in order to support the wellbeing of people and the planet? In “Creating a shared vision towards a sustainable future”, Raj Joshi, founder and CEO of Bridging Ventures, Charmian Love, Co-Founder of B Lab UK, and Anthony Bennett, CEO of Reboot the Future, come together to discuss how we can center a culture that supports a shared vision for a sustainable and ethical future. Watch the full conversation on our YouTube page, entitled “Finding connection and strength in the climate crisis”
What Does It Mean to Have Values for a Life Economy?
What are the origins of the Life Economy, and what does that look like, exactly? In “What does it mean to have values for a life economy?”, Raj Joshi, founder and CEO of Bridging Ventures, Charmian Love, Co-Founder of B Lab UK, and Anthony Bennett, CEO of Reboot the Future, discuss this and more. Watch the full conversation on our YouTube page, entitled “Finding connection and strength in the climate crisis”
Where Do the Seeds for Growth and Transformation Originate?
The pandemic signaled a turning point in humanity’s understanding of its interconnectedness. In “Where do the seeds for growth and transformation originate”, Chief Strategy Officer for the Museum For the United Nations Emil Schelde, CEO of Sustory Tina Karme, and author and co-founder of WholeWorld-View Jude Currivan discuss the ways in which the pandemic is bringing us together to engage in dialogue that help us engage in ideas of new realities for the future and our life on the planet. Watch this highlight video on YouTube now and find the full conversation uploaded tomorrow, Friday Jan 20th, entitled “A new frontier in understanding interconnectedness”
Using Emotions for Impact
How do the values we have determine our actions? How can fear, courage, and our shared interconnectedness impact how we respond and move through the world? In “Using Emotions For Impact”, Chief Strategy Officer for the Museum For the United Nations Emil Schelde, CEO of Sustory Tina Karme, and author and co-founder of WholeWorld-View, Jude Currivan discuss these questions and more. Watch this highlight video on YouTube now and find the full conversation uploaded tomorrow, Friday Jan 20th, entitled “A new frontier in understanding interconnectedness”
The Environment and Business Compromise
The need for activists and major corporate institutions to see eye to eye on how to solve the climate crisis is increasingly becoming a priority for both sides. Research and Communication Manager at GhostNetwork Liberty Denman, Managing Director at RBS International Stuart Foster, and Chief of Party for USAID’s Monitoring and Evaluation Support Project in South Sudan Daniel Deng, discuss how corporate institutions are shifting to include business models that realize a more sustainable approach to ethical business practice.
Realizing ESG Priorities
The emergence of ESG established guidelines for corporate leaders to base future business decisions. Yet, there still seems to be a misunderstanding on how ESG criteria should inform current business decisions. Research and Communication Manager at GhostNetwork Liberty Denman, Managing Director at RBS International Stuart Foster, and Chief of Party for USAID’s Monitoring and Evaluation Support Project in South Sudan Daniel Deng, discuss how research and data will determine how businesses should measure their ESG progress.
Connecting Through Uncertainty
Problems brought by the looming climate crisis leaves us with the uncertainty on what solutions will work. Founder of Open Studios, Ornella de la Campa, CEO of Matter Unlimited, Rob Holzer, and CSO of BuffaloGrid Vanessa Arelle, discuss why uncertainty and closed doors are critical to leading meaningful change in the world. Their conversation delves into why values and passion bridge connections and uncover new opportunities to collaborate for a life economy.
Building Community Through Activism
Building movements toward social and environmental change often require a collective of individuals who share the same ethos towards action. What are the necessary traits needed in ourselves, and others, that help build positive movements in the world? CEO of iMoSyS Mayamiko Nkoloma, Co-Founder of Ecocide Law Alliance Monica Schüldt, and Movement Coordinator for Africans Rising Lamin Saidykhan discuss what attributes are needed for activists and change agents to be resilient and to guide action in spaces of conflict and opposition.