Latest Past Events

Process-Relational Thinking Toward Ecological Civilization

Our world is in peril. The practices and worldviews of modern civilization have led us to the brink of civilizational collapse. What hope can there be in the midst of such crisis? For many, it is the vision of an ecological civilization. This vision has gained prominence in China, where the search for a post-modern…

Common Good Film Festival 2017

Claremont School of Theology 1325 N College Ave, Claremont

Four days of films and discussions that elicit common sense, common decency, and the common good, while celebrating the wisdom of Alfred North Whitehead. With ten films meant to inform, inspire, and amuse, the Common Good Film Festival celebrates the work of filmmakers that tell the stories of those dedicated to the benefit of humanity.…

Claremont Energy Vision

Shanahan Center at Harvey Mudd College 301 Platt Blvd., Claremont

You are cordially invited to Claremont Energy Vision—a convening sponsored jointly by Toward Ecological Civilization (EcoCiv), Community Home Energy Retrofit Project (CHERP, Inc.), the Hixon Center at Harvey Mudd College, and the Environmental Analysis program at Pomona College. Together, we will explore the city-wide strategy that Claremont is currently deploying to drive its energy use…